Date: Jan 10, 2017

Meagher & Geer attorney, Tracy Vigness Kolb, was published by The North Dakota Law Review. Her article, “Technology Competence: The New Ethical Mandate for North Dakota Lawyers and the Practice of Law,” appears in Volume 92-1 of the North Dakota Law Review.
Tracy has been practicing law in North Dakota since 1995. She has practiced in the private and public sector handling litigation, administrative and legislative matters, and legal and regulatory compliance matters, particularly in the health care setting. Her private practice has been devoted primarily to litigation, mostly representing health care providers—hospitals, clinics, physicians, nurses, and long-term care facilities—and the defense of medical malpractice cases. Tracy has also represented providers in state regulatory licensing and disciplinary matters.
Tracy has a special interest in data privacy and security law as applied to health care providers and other industries and businesses. She has an in-depth working knowledge of HIPAA and HITECH and other data privacy and security laws and has counseled and assisted clients in their compliance efforts with these laws including developing data privacy and security programs. Among other privacy and security-related work and projects, Tracy was a member of the American Bar Association’s HITECH Task Force, a group of lawyers that worked over a five-year period studying and developing analyses, templates, forms and educational materials dealing with key HITECH privacy and security compliance issues.
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